Neues Power Flex Solarmodul
Solara now offers the DCsolar Power Flex in three sizes (110 x 54 cm/99 x 66 cm/137.5 x 54 cm) in the power levels 110, 120 and 140 watts with reliable technology. The solar modules are encapsulated with a transparent, robust and durable ETFE film (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer) on the front and back to make them weatherproof. This guarantees a long service life even in snow and hail. Thanks to the aluminium carrier plate, the module is fully walkable and heat-resistant on solid surfaces. The module is four millimetres thin and weighs between 4.3 and 4.9 kilograms, depending on the size. The semi-flexible modules also adapt to curved roof surfaces. The powerful monocrystalline SunPower solar cells guarantee excellent efficiency and therefore high area yields, even in poor light conditions. Solara provides a three-year product guarantee on the modules. The price: from 469 euros.